Friday 29 June 2012

Do you remember tapes?

iremembertapes, too.  In fact, I remember tapes so well that I can still remember that feeling when I would make mix-tapes.  The kind that you record off the radio and sit with anticipation so as not to get the voice of the DJ stuck on the end. The ones you would take into your mates at school and swap for the mix-tape that they had made you.  That was how we used to learn more about the music we now know and love.  That was back when a DJ was someone who hit the play button and talked over your favourite songs on the radio.  Not the kind now who give it large behind decks at Ibiza...or your local, seedy club!

Anyways, on topic, but off point.  iremembertapes is the mastermind of three rather cool, and dashing, young chaps, from my home town, Winchester.  Having seen them play live, listened to their records on repeat and recently purchased their latest single (All I know), I felt it was only right I shared the love.

When you first hear a band that 'captures' you, you want to tell the world but, you also want to keep them to yourself.  Bands like Two Door Cinema Club, MGMT and Ben Howard spring to mind.  You hear them, you fall in love, but when you hear them on Radio 1 you kinda get a bit miffed.  It is as if someone has stolen them from you and you want to shout 'I heard them years ago!'

Well, it was the same when I heard iremembertapes for the first time.  Usually, when a friend hands you a demo or a CD you kinda think, 'well, I'll give it a go' and then you have to do the oh so nice thing of reporting back your thoughts.  As a rather diplomatic, articulate person I tend to do OK here.  Yet when front man Tom Ferry (relative of none other than Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music) handed me the latest brainwave from the iremembertapes archive, whilst I was on a rather drunken night out in town,  I kindly mentioned I would give it a listen...

Well that was some months ago now and it is still on repeat in my office.  From the second Human Architecture started blasting 'Don't touch me there' (my favourite track on the album - not a request to those around me!) from my speakers I couldn't help but think about the influences behind this album.  The 80's-esque beat with Ferry's very distinctive vocals immediately gave way to an Alison Moyet kinda vibe in her 'all cried out' phase.  As the album swings from one track to the next you can't help but get taken in by the catchy, yet unique, beats.  Before you know it you are singing along in a rather angsty way, whilst tapping your foot furiously!

The album screams Duran Duran, with lashings of Joy Division, and an equal measure of some Bloc Party style synths thrown into the mix.  All in all it is an eclectic sound that highlights how passionate this band are about what they are doing, and how they treasure the work of some of the greatest bands of all time.

As someone who could listen and talk about music all day long, there seems to be a serious lack of new bands inspired by old raw talent.  iremembertapes are most certainly doing their bit to help bring bands, electronica, synths, the 80's vibe and live music up-to-date

My advice to you...well, 'all I know' is that you should get yourself to one of their gigs.  You most certainly won't be disappointed.  And, if that is not possible right now, head to iTunes and purchase their latest creation.  They truly are homegrown talent at its best!

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