Friday 17 August 2012

I did it MY way!

Having recently read the fab blog my brit-girl-in-melbs is writing I felt it was time to crack the 'working from home' myth.  Having always had what I deem a 'proper' job, with previous titles including communications manager at Bacardi-Martini and digital project manager at B&Q, leaving my good wage, private health care and steady income, to go-it-alone, was something that baffled my friends and family.  Indeed it baffled me.

Announcing to my family that I was starting up my own business as a freelance copywriter was a shock in itself.  I also had to do the obligatory 'explain what the hell it was' first.  Having grown up in a household where 'work ethic' was drummed in from an early age, and having a part-time job since the age of 14, it became clear that if I was going to get any kind of accolation, one must first prove ones point. But starting up my own business was always something I had wanted to do.

So, last year, as tea and toast developed in its infancy, I found myself trying to make ends meet.  Despite living on my own I had never really had to worry about money as I always had a job that helped me pay the bills.  And, as pride would have it, I was not about to go running home to mum and dad, nor was I asking for help!

Knowing that if I was going to succeed I would have to put my back into it I started cleaning houses and nannying kids.  It was like being the epitome of a domestic housewife, minus the husband and the fancy house.  I cleaned, I cooked, I picked up kids, I helped with homework, I came home, cleaned my own house, cooked for myself and then began my evenings work to study my diploma and set about finding clients. The days were long, and insomnia soon set in.  Despite the broken nails and bags under my eyes it did wonders for the figure.  A self-employment is a diet I would highly recommend.

The thing about starting your own business is that, what seems like a lot of fun, soon becomes a chore and when that pay check no longer makes it way into your account each month, making money becomes hard.  Perhaps it was naivety that has gotten me thus far and had I realised what I was letting myself in for I would have jumped at the chance for a steady salary once more.  Still determined, I continued, and soon the cleaning jobs became less, I retired from the nannying (much to my sadness as the kids were fab!) and the writing became more frequent.

A little over a year later I am sat in my office (new premises are being looked for as we speak), working from the comfort of my own home, and over my first initial hurdle.  However, working from home, and for yourself, can have its draw backs.

There is the oh-so quiet sound of a pin drop, which after a while can seem deafening.  But with much of the work I do, if I had a noisy office I would probably struggle or just fail to do any work at all.  The temptation to talk to yourself, especially early in the morning when you are trying to give yourself a pep talk to get up, and get dressed, can be all too much at times. And then there is the vast amount of distractions, the cleaning, ironing, washing, you get the picture.

Once you have finished your day, realising that time actually is money, you have invoices, reports, client chasing and accounts to keep on top of.  My boss can be a real cow sometimes too!

Looking back it would seem it takes some real self-motivational antics to work for yourself and from home. Hindsight is a truly wonderful thing! It also requires a lot of concentration, something I would say I lack, I mean severely lack (she says whilst writing a blog and staring out the window).  But everyday I am learning.

Working from home and running your own business is yet to truly hit me with perks.  But with my first year under my belt and a website on its way, I will stay humble.  My advice if you are looking to go it alone, be prepared to work hard and to have many, I mean many, a sleepless night.  Don't expect it to happen overnight, be patient and kind.  But with a lot of pride and dedication you will get there.  Maybe not so much of the pride thing, not one for taking help I may have been a little further ahead. So if kindness comes your way, go for it!

If you have got this far, then thank you and please keep an eye out for my new website coming super soon.

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