Thursday 21 June 2012

This modern love... my modern love. As those who love me, for me, will know, music is my number one passion in life.  As an avid 'gig-goer' throughout my teens and early twenties, and only slowing things down in recent years due to no one wanting to come to dingy places with me (and a new found fear for big crowds), I was beyond excited when I read (through trusty Twitter) that my favourite live band, Bloc Party, had not only reunited, but were back on the road with a new album and tour.

Sorry, as I re-read that I can't help but let out a little 'eek' of excitement.  Seeing them for the first time at Reading back in 2007 I simply can't describe how I felt.  Having never been a fan, and thus not partaking in, hard-core drugs, it was a massive high for me.  I can honestly say that, to-date, it is probably THE best moment in my life. For photographic evidence of THE best moment in my life, please see below.  It could also have been the copious amount of alcohol I had drunk throughout that day and the 30+ degree sunshine that made it pretty special, but who's taking note, hey!

Over the years I have been lucky enough to see them at Reading, again, Glastonbury, Bournemouth  and London (twice - other photographic evidence shows the eagerly awaiting of Bloc Party at Olympia). In total, seven times, not including the time Kele did a solo tour.  Yep, went to see that too. My love of Bloc Party baffles my friends and especially my family.  Granted, they get my love of music and often share in many of those musical loves.  I have even dragged my mum along to many gigs, including Feeder!  Whatever they release, through critical eyes, I tend to love it. Despite the negative reviews that 'A weekend in the city' received, I for one was still a fan.

I didn't intend to make this a gush about Bloc Party, but a mere insight into the world of music, sorry, my world of music.  The hold it has on me and the constant soundtrack to life that is in my head.  Perhaps I will save that for another day.  All I wanted to do was to note down the excitement for their forthcoming tour and await 9am tomorrow when, hopefully, I will get my hands on some ruddy tickets.

It has been three years, three years where we have waited, by 'we' I mean us Bloc Party lovers, eagerly anticipating their return.  Will it be a return to the more techno-house/new rave style of Silent Alarm or will a more poetic, less Kele-Okereke-takes-over-and-gets-his-way-again studio album take shape?

All I know is that when that album is released in August I will be purchasing, yes, physically purchasing, some things are just meant to be physically held.   And as for the tour, well, I will just have to say 'The Prayer' and hope that with enough 'Positive Tension'...sorry, I'll stop, you get the picture!

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