Saturday 23 April 2011

A Royal Affair...

It will be one of those questions asked at future dinner parties, by your children on a Sunday afternoon or perhaps simply back at work on the Tuesday morning 'where were you on the day of the Royal Wedding?'

Perhaps I am getting a little over excited about the whole 'royal' occasion. Ok so I haven't bought my Kate and Wills tea towel or tea cup yet but I am discussing the potentials for a trip to London, tea in the park or an old fashioned street party (unless the council have a fit and oppose our request!).

Now don't get me wrong, I am no Royalist but there is something very innocent and well, all in all, pleasant about the country having a day off for something that is far from 'traditional' these days. Marriages are a rarer occasion in our social calendars of late and I for one thing am all for it!

Being a child of the the 80's I can remember having our very own street party for Fergie and Andrews wedding back in ' London Town. Cake, bunting and pasting tables all laid out in the street, if I remember rightly we even had a rigged sound system (although my mum will probably discredit that).  So I say let's repeat the tradition. Let's give the street party a well earned come back (I mean if flares and cheesecloth can do it!). Something to celebrate for a change, perhaps even a chance to meet your neighbours?

Well whatever you choose to do, make the most of it - I mean how often do you get a day off for nothing. I for one will be donning my hat, hanging up my bunting and sitting down to a rather delectable spot of afternoon my newly ordered Wills and Kate tea set (OK so I lied, it would be wrong to drink it out of anything else!)

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