Tuesday 9 August 2011

'So no one told you life was gonna be this way...'

I would love to know how it became so, that a U.S sitcom about six friends, became the source for almost all conversations about life (at least office based ones at that).  I am often amazed at how many times I will say 'oh that's like in that friends episode, you know? the one with?...'

Granted, Friends is my most loved, like a good old pair of comfortable shoes, default programme that I watch when feeling miserable.  It has got me through some of the most rubbish times of my life! Tragic huh!  I vowed I couldn't go through another break up in my life as I had run out of Friends episodes to drag me through.

Yet I still find myself, after watching 'the one with the list' for the 18th time, wondering how it is that we can relate so many instances in life back to 'Friends'.  Is it that the writers had experienced all the trials and tribulations of most twenty somethings or that they were just so cynical that they captured life in sheer comedic tones?

Who knows, who cares. It is like a source of therapy for me. Cup of tea, or in the more rough times a large glass of wine, Friends in unadulterated qualities and perhaps a large box of chocolates, better than any romantic comedy, and sometimes even substitutes a much needed hug.  Just what the doctor ordered, well if he was a Friends fan anyways.

And no, no one told me life was gonna be this way, nothing my parents ever told me (well my mother did warn me there'd be days like these...too much?!), no teacher or family friend. No subject at school can prepare you for the harsh reality of life.  It's all by experience and of course, when the rain starts to fall its the comfort of knowing that there are 'Friends' on hand to get you through.

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