Wednesday 1 June 2011

My own irregularities...

I am 26, born in the city but live in the country. Eldest of five. My most important job to date is being 'Big Sister', I take it very seriously.  I strive for perfection but am happy I fall short. I hate sheer incompetence. I abide rudeness and poor manners. Music is my true love. I have a song for everything and believe everything has a song. I adore shoes, of which I have about 50 pairs. I wish I could dance. I love cider, chocolate, the occasional glass of red wine and anything floral. I think it is cool we have a Royal Family. I am a hopeless romantic at heart but pretend to be cynical. I aspire to be more refined but have come to terms with my clumsiness. I think the Bible is the greatest book ever written. I claim that Goodfellas is my favourite movie of all time, my actual favourite movie of all time is The Sound of Music. My greatest accomplishment in life is learning to be content in my own took a while. I believe everything can be solved with a cup of tea and a chat. If it can't then at least you've had a cup of tea and a chat.

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