Monday 30 January 2012

New Year's revelations

Yep, that's right, you didn't mis-read, I said New Year's revelations.  I know I am a bit late on the old New Year thang but to be honest, it usually takes me a whole month to climatise to the new year, and even then I am still not getting my head round it.

As I get older I find the whole concept of a new year slightly daunting.  There is so much pressure and as someone of an anxious disposition pressure is not something I cope with very well.  I found the days leading up to 31st December quite exciting, the prospect of 'in with the old and out with the new' was rather, well, erm, promising? But by the time it got to 11.58pm on Saturday 31st December I was already having heart palpitations and breaking out into a cold sweat. I wish I could blame it on the alcohol but by that stage I clearly hadn't had enough. Don't worry, I made up for it throughout the rest of the forthcoming month!

But here we are, at the end of January already, the month that we all love to hate.  The month of the blues, the bleak, the dark nights and the endless days awaiting a pay cheque, well actually the latter isn't true for me as being self-employed if I want to get paid I have to get off my now overly large January-is-a-bad-month-and-I-ate-and-drank-like-a-pig butt and invoice people.

Now I am in my late twenties I feel valid enough to say, 'I don't make New Year's resolutions', why bother? January is a crap enough month as it is without setting yourself goals you will only break cos you feel that you are not achieving anything, it really is a viscous cycle.

Nope, instead I plan to make New Year's revelations...things that make me feel wiser, perhaps without the older.  So what can I reveal already? Erm, that January is bleak, New Year's is a real anti-climax and that wine answers all problems, including ones you didn't even know you had! Which now brings me to the real revelation.  I need to get fit and lose weight...and thus my revelation becomes a resolution...something that now needs resolving.

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