Saturday 14 May 2011

Totes and utter crap!

I wouldn't call it an indulgence as such, reality TV is not one of my secret guilty pleasures. In fact, it is a part of the latest generational culture that slightly perturbs me but anyway, my point, yes my point, err, in a moments madness I watched the debut episode of 'Made in Chelsea' reality TV simply about the elite and privileged lifestyles of twenty-somethings made in Chelsea. I wouldn't call this a review of such as with most reviews the critic would, oh well who am I kidding...I feel slightly disgusted with myself, for several reasons, least of all the fact that I have now lost an hour of my life of which I will never get back.

I'm not even sure where to start, the make-up, hair, fashion, I mean these are people with money and if it werent for the high level R.P and location shots of Sloane Square in all it's glory then I could have mistaken it for 'TOWIE'!

I shall attempt to make sense of their conversations, I did at one point want to feel sorry for some of their awfully over-dramatic affairs but the posh overtones and hideous outfits made me forget what they were rahing on about in the first place. There were a few unforgettable moments however from the party host Ollie Locke (who I unknowingly mistook for being gay) as he sits and has dinner with his somewhat dim but rather beautiful girlfriend. In a romantic restaurant he poses the question 'shall we party or go have sex?' to which she replies 'can we simply not party AND have sex?'. I mean, seriously? there really is no hope. And who said romance was dead.

My other highlight (of which there were only two and they did leave me with a slight sinking feeling inside) was again from one Ollie Locke. On an evening away from London in the ever rural 'country' he describes his love of cow sh*t, quite literally stating 'I sometimes enjoy the smell of cow sh*t - I mean who are you kidding, decked in an outrageous Cavalli outfit with your long hair and playboy lifestyle and what do you know of the country apart from a wannabe farmhouse and an oversized Grandad jumper?! urgh.

As for my character assasinations, well, here goes;

Francis - hysterically posh and for that I love him. His over-the-top suits and quirkiness make him somewhat of a favorite

Spencer - seedy, sly - all the traits women despise in their men (not to mention the greasy hair)

Amber and Rosie - innocent perhaps? even likeable?

Cheskha and Binky - Their names alone say it all

Caggie - Epitome of daddy's poor, little, rich, girl

As for all the other characters - well you were simply so non-descript that you weren't even worth mentioning

And are they educated to speak without moving their lips? did Eton, Harrow, Marlborough and all the other elite schools say 'when one must open ones mouth don't move ones lips'

I could go on, but for the sake of those who actually enjoyed this reality hell I will stop. Except to say that having watched one episode I really feel I owe it to find out how this story pans out? Will Spencer get caught out? Will Binky ever be free from the orange fake tan and does Francis choose the globe or the pineapple for his portrait?! I mean it is 'real' life right? err 'totes man totes'!

Friday 13 May 2011

A breath of fresh heir...

It was what fairytales are made of...

From beginning to end it was picture perfect. Well if the Royals can't do perfection when it comes to weddings then us mere common folk don't stand a chance! (although they are becoming fine tuned in the art of divorce but let's not taint this already).

Whether you were like me and eagerly in anticipation of Kate's dress (and let's face it, it did not disappoint) or simply hoping to hear William stutter at his nuptials it is safe to say it was the wedding of the year! With all the pomp and ceremony it was tasteful, regal and what weddings are all about - true love 'well whatever love is'!

However I get the feeling that Kate was slightly upstaged by her younger sister Pippa...I for one think that Kate is the ultimate princess and with a life ahead as Queen in waiting I certainly had the feeling that history was being made. Apparently not of the kind that I was envisaging. Pippa Middleton's derriere gained more hits on Facebook and Youtube in one afternoon and it even has it's own website formally called 'The Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society'. Perhaps it is a sign of the technologically advancing times but really?! I mean history was being made that day and all the nation can focus on is a middle class, rather attractive one might ad, privately educated bottom?!

I digress, I wanted this to be a far more 'Royalist' endeavor considering I fear becoming one, but I have lost my train of thought. This was supposed to be about Kate, William, their big day and what this means for the future monarchy. Instead I am as shallow as the rest of the nation. Let's hope all this new found fame and wonderment doesn't go to her head (or her bottom for that matter).