Monday 24 January 2011

A passion for kitsch

Thinking back I can remember as I was growing up looking at my mums collection of vintage china tea sets, cross stitch masterpieces and antique books and thinking surely people have better things to waste their time and money on? Growing up is so dull! Almost ten years later I too am now harbouring a collection of china cups and saucers, patchwork quilts and developing the urge (and desire) to knit. I'm not quite sure at what point the 'old fashioned' became 'in fashion' but the resurgance of all things kitsch and vintage seems to have swept up a generation.

We now pay highly for the 'homemade' look, where tatty quilts, expensive handmade soaps, wooden hearts and vintage china are the makings of that perfect gift for a friend or loved one. It is certainly kitsch to be kitsch. An old school friend has recently started up a boutique 'Strawberry Lemonade Designs' ( ) selling the most stunning range of jewellery, home accessories and fab products for kids. Even the most outrageous product would appeal to the masses these days. A homemade gift seems far more appropriate these days then anything else (even if it does cost twice the price to buy or make it!).

Gone are the days where I want my flat to have an 'Ikea' feel with all neutral colours and furnishings but I now spend my spare hours in salvage yards or car boot sales eyeing up a new project to sand down, spruce up and locate somewhere in my incredibly modest flat. Nothing matches, everything is second hand and the thought of buying 'new' furniture is all but foreign to me.

My local area is over run with art making classes, stitch n bitch sessions and antique furniture stores, not to mention the boutiques that are popping up everywhere with patchwork this, polka dot that and flowers galore...Cath Kidston may have started it but a new generation are running away with it.

So while it lasts I will relax with a pot of tea from my bone china cup and curl up with my knitting in my floral vintage quilt and no longer dismiss the irregularities of a peculiar but charming British past time!

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