Friday 4 November 2011

Its the little things in life...

As I sit down after a long, sleepless, rather arduous week, with a Chinese, a bottle of wine and Stevie (that's my friend Stevie the TV) I am filled with an enormous sense of contentment.  I am a firm believer in the little things in life, that make it, well, OK!  For some, like myself, it is those tiny every day details that make me smile a little on the inside.  Perhaps its familiarity?  Maybe that's why we seek them out?  Such as that first cup of tea straight after work, or when you roll into bed with fresh sheets, or a long phone catch up with an old friend.  Its comforting, like getting snail mail.

Perhaps it's the change in seasons...the fact that we are now very much in autumn, my favourite season of all, that is the reason for my focus on life's little trivialities?  As a society we are very fast paced, everyone is always in a rush, even when they are not in a rush.  Sometimes it is nice to just slow down, catch our breath and focus on the simpler things.

Autumn for me is the best season of all.  I don't mind the rain so much, the cold and dampness doesn't bother me.  I love the colours, the clothes, the smell and the way everything starts to change.  I could quite easily rant on all day about my love of autumn, but for the sake of those who are now entering the early stages of SAD this season I will hold off.

Contentment for most comes in many forms.  For some it is having made lots of money, owning a big house and a fast car.  Others it may be travelling the world, seeing new places and experiencing news things.  For me it is some of the most minute things that make me content.  A cup of tea with my mum and sisters, reading a good book, a nice bottle of wine or catching up with an old friend.  Perhaps that makes me dull, boring or even lacking in aspirations.  I don't feel like I am lacking, I feel that with each added contentment I gain more and more.

So, as I sit here with a cup of tea and my local paper I will revel in the delights of the little things, the little things in life that make it just so.